Welcome to Beautyberry Books!
Beautyberry Books will be publishing literary criticism as well as original poems and nonfiction related to
Florida nature and native plants. Our first book of poetry also provides our mission statement on its back cover: "We seek
to honor God." This is the God of the Bible, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Dr. Alvarez has taught college classes in writing, grammar, literature, and literary criticism. She is currently writing
a book on Nature Writers with a focus on Florida nature writing.
See the next page for our first book of Love Poems in Spanish and English. This book has some valuable ideas
to help you prepare for a wedding or an anniversary celebration. It also offers encouragement for those in cross-cultural
marriages. We also celebrate Spanish culture and the country of Chile.
The American beautyberry is a native shrub that grows freely all over the southeastern United States. It may take years
to discover this beautiful plant because of constant mowing and concentration on non-native plants. Once one sees the beautiful
show of flowers and later berries, the common response is "What is that?!" In the winter, beautyberry is nondescript, even
mere stalks and a few small leaves; but when allowed to grow yearly, beautyberry decorates the landscape with beautiful
foliage and flowers and feeds the wildlife with remarkable berries.
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For checks or money orders, send your order to:
P.O. Box 7339
Sun City, FL 33586
FL residents include sales tax from your county with your order, and your shipping is free.
Other states require no sales tax.
SHIPPING & HANDLING = $1 first card, $0.20 each additional card, $2 each book Beautyberry Books ships
using USPS media mail or priority.
Florida residents must add sales tax from your county.
Card #1
This is the artist's rendering of the Florida beautyberry. After the lilac flowers, the stems are covered with magenta berries
that last through the fall.
See the next page for other watercolor cards.

"Florida Beautyberry"
Blank Card
$2.95 each